Monday, January 3, 2011

a new year.

i always get excited at the beginning of a new year. resolutions and changes and ideas have been  jumping around in my mind. i've wanted to start a blog for a while now. it seems like fun, and also a neat way to keep in touch with friends and family at a distance. so, on the narrow list of resolutions that will actually stick past this week, a blog is one.

my husband got me a sewing machine for christmas. when my family came to visit my sister helped me put it together. i've been a little apprehensive about using it, fearing i would somehow break it, or sew through my hand. i gussied up some courage yesterday and made an apron to wear during breakfast and lunch duty at school. i figured, if i have to hold extra silverware and ketchup i might as well look cute while doing it!

kyle was sweet to model my creation:) i think i've caught the sewing bug!

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