last week we had a snow day. i loved it. i giggled when i read "springfield schools" on the TV and then shook my head when i looked out the window and saw only a few inches of snow on the ground.
i took it upon myself to really enjoy my unscheduled day off. i completed a mountain of laundry and put my sewing machine to good use. it was great. i didn't talk to one person all day (except for kyle, who called 3 times to ask if i'd talked to anyone:)).
the first thing i made was a pretty ear warmer. i used the tutorial found
then, i made a matroyshka doll for hazel. she turned 2 on the 24th. i can't tell if she's stoic, sad, or sleeping. it took hazel a little while to warm up to her.
finally, i made some paper heart garlands to decorate our home. so easy and so pretty.
i would love it if every day was a snow day!